PodSummit YYC 2024 Programming


Title: Future of Canadian Podcasting hosted by Kattie Laur

Presented By: Pod The North

πŸ—“ Friday September 20th, 2024

πŸ• 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

πŸ“ The Flanagan Theatre


Kattie Laur, Pod The North (Moderator)

Meg Wilcox, Co-Director, Community Podcast Initiative

Bob Kane, Country Manager, Canada, LibsynAds


The Canadian podcasting industry is in the midst of a significant period of innovation, experimentation, and best of all... global recognition! How have we gotten here and where is Canadian podcasting headed? Join our group of panelists to look at the opportunities and roadblocks for Canadian podcasting, and what it’ll take to get the industry to a sustainable, equitable, and globally recognized place.