We are committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all attendees, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and staff. By attending PodSummit YYC 2024, you agree to abide by these policies. Let's work together to make this a fantastic and inclusive event for all!

Code of Conduct

  1. Respect and Courtesy:

    • General Respect: Engage with others in a respectful manner. Avoid personal attacks, derogatory comments, and dismissive behaviour.

    • Constructive Feedback: Offer constructive criticism that is considerate and aimed at helping improve rather than tearing down.

  2. Inclusivity:

    • Embrace Diversity: Actively encourage and support a diverse range of voices and perspectives.

    • Non-Discrimination: Refrain from any behaviour or language that discriminates against participants based on race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, religion, or any other protected characteristic.

    • Support: Offer support to those who might feel marginalized or excluded.

  3. Harassment-Free Environment:

    • Verbal Harassment: Avoid offensive comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion.

    • Physical Harassment: No unwelcome physical contact.

    • Stalking and Intimidation: Do not follow, stalk, or intimidate other participants.

    • Inappropriate Advances: Sexual attention or advances without consent are strictly prohibited.

  4. Violence and Retaliation:

    • No Violence: Any form of physical violence, including hitting, pushing, or other forms of physical assault, is strictly prohibited.

    • Threats: Threats of violence, even if they are meant as jokes, are unacceptable.

    • Retaliation: Retaliation against anyone who reports harassment, discrimination, or any form of misconduct will not be tolerated. This includes attempts to ostracize, intimidate, or penalize the reporting individual.

  5. Consent:

    • Explicit Consent: Always ask for and obtain clear, explicit consent before touching someone or taking their photo.

    • Respecting Boundaries: Respect individual boundaries and preferences. If someone says no or expresses discomfort, immediately stop the behavior in question.

    • Understanding Consent: Be aware that consent can be revoked at any time, and previous consent does not imply future consent.

  6. Professional Behavior:

    • Appropriate Language: Use language that is inclusive and free from offensive terms.

    • Professional Interactions: Maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions. Avoid behaviors that can be perceived as aggressive, dismissive, or confrontational.

    • Avoid Disruptions: Ensure your behavior does not disrupt sessions, presentations, or the overall event atmosphere.


If you experience or witness any form of harassment, discrimination, violence, retaliation, or other inappropriate behavior, please report it immediately to event staff or volunteers. You can do this by approaching them directly or using the designated reporting channels provided at the event. All reports will be handled with discretion and seriousness. We are committed to taking appropriate action to ensure the safety and well-being of all attendees.


Anyone asked to stop harassing or violent behavior is expected to comply immediately. Event organizers reserve the right to take any action they deem appropriate, including:

  • Warnings: Issuing verbal or written warnings.

  • Expulsion: Expelling the offender from the event without a refund.

  • Ban: Banning the offender from future events.

  • Notification: Notifying local law enforcement if necessary.

Commitment to Improvement

We are dedicated to continually improving our policies and ensuring a safe and inclusive environment. If you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can enhance our event policies, please let us know through our feedback channels. Your input is valuable in helping us create a better experience for everyone.

Thank you for helping us create a positive and inclusive experience for everyone at PodSummit YYC 2024.

Podsummit YYC 2024: Photo and Video Recording Policy

At Podsummit YYC 2024, we want to ensure a professional and respectful environment for all attendees, speakers, and staff. This Photo and Video Recording Policy outlines the guidelines for capturing and sharing content during the event. Please review the following information carefully.

1. General Policy

1.1 Purpose

  • The primary purpose of this policy is to respect the privacy of all individuals and to ensure that recordings are used appropriately and ethically.

1.2 Scope

  • This policy applies to all attendees, speakers, and staff members at Podsummit YYC 2024, including those capturing photos or videos using personal devices or professional equipment.

2. Photography and Videography

2.1 Professional Photography and Videography

  • Official Media: All official photography and videography will be conducted by designated event photographers and videographers. These individuals will have identification and will adhere to the event’s guidelines.

  • Permission: Official media personnel are authorized to capture content throughout the event, including sessions, keynotes, and general activities.

2.2 Personal Photography and Videography

  • Permission Required: Attendees are allowed to take photos and videos for personal use only. Permission must be obtained from speakers and other individuals before capturing their images or recording them.

  • Session Restrictions: Recording during sessions may be restricted to avoid distractions and to ensure a respectful environment. Please respect any “No Recording” signs and requests from speakers or event staff.

3. Consent and Privacy

3.1 Individual Consent

  • Speakers and Panelists: All speakers and panelists are assumed to consent to being recorded by official media personnel unless they explicitly request otherwise.

  • Attendees: Attendees have the right to request not to be photographed or recorded. If someone expresses a desire not to be included in recordings, please respect their request.

3.2 Use of Recordings

  • Event Use: Recordings made by official media may be used for promotional materials, social media, or other event-related content. These uses will be in line with the event’s objectives and privacy standards.

  • Personal Use: Personal recordings or photos taken by attendees for personal use should not be shared publicly without the consent of individuals captured in those recordings.

4. Social Media and Sharing

4.1 Posting Content

  • Respect and Etiquette: When sharing photos or videos on social media, be respectful of others’ privacy and avoid posting content that could be considered unflattering or inappropriate.

  • Hashtags and Mentions: Use the official event hashtag #PodsummitYYC2024 and mention the event’s official social media accounts when posting about the event.

4.2 Tagging and Permissions

  • Tagging: If you post photos or videos that include other attendees or speakers, ensure that you tag them appropriately and consider their preferences regarding public sharing.

5. Enforcement

5.1 Compliance

  • Adherence: All attendees, speakers, and staff are expected to adhere to this policy. Event staff will be available to address any concerns or violations related to photography and videography.

5.2 Reporting Issues

  • Contact: If you have concerns or notice a violation of this policy, please contact the event staff or the designated media coordinator.

6. Updates and Changes

6.1 Policy Updates

  • Changes: This policy may be updated as needed. Any changes will be communicated to attendees, speakers, and staff.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure a positive and respectful experience for everyone at Podsummit YYC 2024.

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact us at info@podsummit.com.